Tuesday 16 April 2013

Benny's day of Glory Entertaining Britain's Iron Lady Baroness Margaret Thatcher

Click on the Newspaper cutting to view full page. (Repeated below full size).

Benny Entertains Lady Thatcher

Here is my little story.  (29th November 2001)  

I was booked to provide light hearted background music at a Corporate Event only to be told that special guest of honour was Lady Margaret Thatcher, and besides many other VIP’s was Dennis Thatcher, Sir Rex Hunt, the former Falklands Governor and Comedian Jim Davidson. You can imagine how my eyes lit up as I always admired Lady Thatcher when she was Prime Minister.

Tongue and cheek, I asked the host if I could use my little video camera at the occasion and permission was granted most freely.

As Lady Thatcher entered  the hallway, she stopped right opposite me and said to me “what a wonderful sunny day”. Caught by surprise I acknowledged!

Next piece of luck – whilst guests were taking photographs with Lady Thatcher, I stood by the side and placed my little video camera on the top of the fire place happily capturing the action, when suddenly I was invited to have my photograph taken with Lady Thatcher. My heart nearly lost a beat as I was Mr. Nobody only there as a musician!

Now for a laugh – the press cameraman clicked away whilst I stood posting next to Lady Thatcher, and to my surprise she said to the cameraman "your flash did not go" off and invited me for a second shot. It was my lucky day having my photograph with a very special lady. (Photo was sent to me by post which I will always treasure and stands framed in my music studio). Copy attached to my blog.

Following on, next piece for a good laugh – Jim Davidson came to me and gently tapped me on the shoulder saying, “Benny, by the way Maggie Thatcher likes the music but she must mean someone else!!.” 

What a dream day it was for me, and here for the first time I release my video clip I have treasured of those great memories, but very sad to lose a wonderful most powerful lady, we call the Iron Lady. May her soul rest in piece.

Enjoy this little video clip of the occasion if you were a fan of Baroness Margaret Thatcher.|
Best regards. Benny
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